The Urban Christian Woman Blog
Restoring the Urban Woman with God’s truth for everyday life.
Do you feel like you are in a losing fight with sin? Check out this post and be encouraged.
“Ephesians 6:12 says “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” I feel this so keenly in my own life. The world actively seeks to pull our hearts away from Christ and so does my own flesh. Every day I find my heart seeking to kick God off the throne and establish myself as ruler and lord. The world can be so convincing, tricking my heart into loving and desiring things like a trendy house, luxurious vacations, and well-behaved kids. There are no neutral hearts. We are loving something - is it Christ?”
The Singles’ Timeline
Take a look at this article from our archives!
“I’m a fairly new resident to Atlanta. I first visited the city a few years ago, in November of 2015, in the season of my life where I decided to turn my back on God.”
Women of Repair (Part II)
Sharon shared with us her experience with exploring the history of an area whose history had been masked by more trendy things that appeal to our comforts rather than challenge our thinking and theology. Here she takes us a step farther to explore the construction and deconstruction of our faith and how Christ’s life challenges us as we come to various conclusions about what we believe.
Mom Goals, Life Goals, New Goals
Yes, I had gained my beautiful children, but more importantly, I had gained a love for God and a dependence on Him that I never would have known. I had come to know God in such a way that nothing could ever convince me that He doesn't love me. I know that he made me a mother on purpose and that it is a good thing. He knows my shortcomings and carries me when they are exposed. He knows my strengths and cultivates them for His glory. He knows how silly I am and that on hard days, sometimes that is just what my family needs! When I realized He knew me, I could press forward.
A Challenge to Miss Independent
Why is self-sufficiency so dangerous? Because even one moment spent thinking we can do anything on our own, is a moment spent thinking we don’t need God. This is the same God who puts breath in our lungs each day. The same God who holds all of the universe together in its beautiful, delicate balance. The same God who created the winds and the waves, and can command them to act as He pleases. Do we really want to say that there is a moment we don’t need THIS God?
Living With ADHD and General Anxiety
“I never thought I would be one to experience anxiety as I saw it differently in other people than how it came about in myself. Understanding that I am not in control of my life therefore I cannot control what happens in the future, forces me to rely on the One who is in control. Hiding scripture in my heart that reminds me of how good God is and how He only has good things for me, helps to relieve the anxiety I feel about the unknown.”
This is the time of the year where we celebrate, with anticipation, the coming of Christ. However, everyone’s waiting is not met with glowing lights and tied with a pretty lace and satin bow. The real issues of life do not typically take a recess at Christmas time. But one thing we can be sure of is this: Jesus Christ does not turn a blind eye to His people or the circumstances of our lives. As you read the following poem and perhaps, wrestle with the duality of the hard facts of life and the beautiful hope of our Savior, let us remember to celebrate. We celebrate Emmanuel; God with us, not because life is perfect, but because He is.
Grace In Gathering
Today I sat in the top row of an old theater and watched two separate friends baptize their sons in a horse trough. Tears ran down my cheeks, soaking my mask, as these men, my pastors, spoke the words "trusting in the confession of your faith, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Wait Well
I was in the school pickup line for 20 minutes. I was thinking, wow this is a long line, I could be doing something else. I don't like to wait in long lines at the store, at the gas station, or anywhere. Perhaps my lack of patience gets the best of me. Sometimes waiting is inevitable, so how do I wait well? What is the point of my waiting? What is it that God is growing in me during this lapse in time?
The Costumes We Wear
Regardless of where you stand on Halloween, we can find some amount of fun in a costume. For a short time, we can hide the real us and present someone or something quite different for a while. The problem would be if we viewed the costumes we were wearing as truth and acted as if our costume is who we are in reality.
Women of Repair
It’s easy for me to read that verse and think about “ruins” in places like England or the Middle East - locations where kingdoms and old structures rose and fell hundreds and even thousands of years ago. But what does it mean to examine the ruins, both physically and metaphorically, right where we live?